making shopping with kids fun

making shopping with kids fun

  • Where To Wear Your Funny Accessories

    If you're like most people, then you probably don't wear novelty items, such as beer t-shirts or hats, to work every day. In fact, if you're like most people, doing so could get you in big trouble with your job. The average person buys these kinds of items for special events and then tosses them out or forgets about them. There's really no sense in wasting a funny drinking shirt or hat or other wearable accessory though.

About Me

making shopping with kids fun

The minute that my doctor told me that I was going to have a little girl, I got so excited. I pictured myself out shopping with my daughter for clothes, shoes, purses and all of the accessories that we need to complete each and every outfit. My daughter has recently turned ten, and we have enjoyed shopping together from the start. Now that she is getting older, we get to have even more fun looking for the perfect outfits for school and some special occasions. If you have a son or daughter that loves to shop, this blog will give you tips for making your shopping adventures fun and productive.